Monday, November 22, 2010

CSTD Thought Leader Presentation

Last winter, the planners of the 2010 CSTD Conference asked me to give a "Thought Leader" presentation.  Although my ego was boosted by the invitation, my mind was a bit flummoxed, as the conference planners let me choose the topic.   So someone considers me a thought leader, but about what  no one has any idea.

Of course, the planners wanted a topic soon after inviting me so I made up something broad and general--staying relevant--hoping that clarity would hit me as I actually prepared the presentation.

That was last spring, when I was finishing up my sabbatical and immersed in data from others' and my studies that paint a startlingly different view of the current state of training than is generally acknowledged.  That data points to a training system in which employers are increasingly less invested in developing their employees and in which workers assume the balance of the investment--that is, if they want to remain employed.

Although the situation scares me a bit, I also see a lot of opportunity for training professionals, although much of that opportunity will be outside of the employer-provided network of trainers.  I also think that this situation can empower workers to take more control of their own careers.  That, in turn, can lead to more satisfying careers.  But I think that we also need a system that provides that support and, as far as I can tell, no such system really exists.

At least, not yet.

The result was a presentation about whose technical content I feel quite secure.  But I had no idea how others would react to the presentation.

The e-Learning Guy posted the first reaction online and it's generally positive. 
I'm anxiously awaiting the official survey responses to get a sense of how the rest of the audience felt.

A copy of the visuals is provided here, though I'm not sure that, on their own, they fully deliver the message.

1 comment:

dwprice said...

Hi Saul

This sounds like a really interesting perspective and it fits in with the career coaching concepts of managing your career path vs. being a passive employee depending on a corporation that has no loyalty.

The issue of course is anxiety on the part of the training professional... sheltering under the "safety" of a corporation vs. being an autonomous service provider.

I like the metaphor of surfing changes vs. drowning in them. It's something I learned from a book on coping with grief by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. I suppose another metaphor is the concept of driving while looking at the horizon vs. driving looking right in front of you... the steering changes are smaller and smoother.